
Form name optional, set HTTP status to Authorization Policy

Last edit:

March 04, 2019


  • form_name optional: No need to duplicate GraphQL mutation input via Form - the form_name attribute is now optional in GraphQL mutations like user_create, user_update, customization_update, etc. You can still use it if you want to leverage existing configuration doing something in a callback/async callback or for sending emails, but you don’t have to.
  • Set http_status to Authorization Policy: Added possibility to set http_status to Authorization Policy (previously hardcoded to 403). This allows you to render your custom 404 when an Auth Policy is violated. Moreover, now you can also customize 403, 500, and 503 (maintenance) pages by creating a page with the corresponding slug - 403, 500, or 503.


  • Double error message: Fixed double error message for image validation (that occurred in some cases).


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